Post-working bee Pizza Party!

Saturday 7th November Midday Onwards

There’s actually going to be a working bee this term! Saturday 7th November from 10am till midday at both campuses. So bring the kids and come help us beautify the school grounds.

Following the working bee Families and Friends of Blue Gum is hosting an end-of-year pizza party in the front garden at the Hackett campus. Pizza and drinks will be provided, just bring your own water bottle. We hope that everyone from the Dickson campus will also come up and join us.

All Welcome!!!

Post working bee pizza!


Well deserved pizza lunch after a morning of spreading mulch at the working bee on Saturday. Thanks to the all the volunteers parents and students who made the place look amazing!
Remember next time to leave a bit of time at the end of the working bee to have a slice of pizza and finish those conversations started while on the job!

Working Bee & Pizza Lunch

The final Working Bee of the year is on this

Saturday 9th of November

10am to midday

So come on down to either campus and help us beautify the gardens and get a workout! Following the working bee Families and Friends of Blue Gum will be providing a PIZZA LUNCH at the Hackett campus. We hope that all the hard working families down at the Dickson campus will come up and join us for lunch as well.

Working Bee and Pizza Party

Come and celebrate democracy day at the

Working Bee!!!

Followed by Pizza Lunch….

Saturday 18th May

10am – Midday

If you’re happy it’s election day and want a way to celebrate or if you need a constructive outlet for all your pent up political rage then we have the answer for you…. The Working Bee!!!!!

Plus once you’ve worked up a sweat Families & Friends of Blue Gum will be providing a pizza lunch at the Dickson Preschool Campus. Everyone at the Hackett working bee should come down & join us for food and political discourse.

So come to the working bee and let’s make our kids playgrounds beautiful together.

A little bit about us

Families & Friends of Blue Gum (FFBG) is our school’s version of a P&C. We hold 1 general meeting per term, usually on Wednesday of week 4 which is open to ALL Blue Gum parents and carers. Typically this meeting includes an update from the FFBG president on recent and upcoming events, Q & A session with Maureen Hartung (Blue Gum’s Executive Director) and a parent information session on a particular topic. These sessions highlight the educational philosophies that guide the Blue Gum educational approach. If you really want to know how Blue Gum educators teach, what they do in the classroom and why, then this is the way to find out.

If you’re keen to show your support for the school in a tangible way then get involved with FFBG. Come to the meetings and have your say, find out what is going on, lend a hand, and be inspired by our fabulous educators. Help support this fantastic school that you have picked for your children!

If being on the committee is not for you due to time constraints or any other reason, but you’d like to help out at Blue Gum community events (such as Slow Sunday, Learning Adventures, ordering lunch after working bee or other FFBG events), please email Families and Friends of Blue Gum at with your contact details. We’ll add your name to an email list and let you know when events are coming up, what tasks we need help with and you can let us know if you can contribute.

Also you can check us out on Facebook at Families & Friends of Blue Gum Community School

We look forward to meeting you during the year!

Pizza Party after the Working Bee

Don’t forget this Saturday the 2nd March is the Term 1 Working Bee at Blue Gum, 10am til midday. Time to beautify our school grounds!

After you’ve worked up a sweat Families & Friends of Blue Gum will be providing a pizza lunch. We’ll be hosting at the Hackett campus so if you’re working at our Dickson Preschool please come on over and join us for some tasty lunch and chat. BYO drinks

Working Bee Alert!

Come along to the last Working Bee for the year!

Hackett Campus, Saturday 14th November 10am-Midday

We need people and tools to move pebbles and mulch and to wash windows and glass doors.

Specialist Jobs for this Working Bee                                         Tools to bring

Move the white pebbles from behind Artyology to near                             Wheelbarrows
the Zen garden .                                                                                                                     Shovels

Cleaning all the glass (especially all the glass doors).                                      Tools provided

Move remaining mulch from behind Artyology onto garden                      Wheelbarrows
beds (not the veggies beds).                                                                                             Shovels

Cobwebs removed from the outside of Artyology.                                            Tools provided

Freshen up the painted red line on the top of the brick wall                        Tools and
in the front garden – just the section already marked that’s                        materials
adjacent to garden beds/hard surfaces if students fall.                                    provided

Paint a red line along the school kerb near the intersection of                  Tools and
Maitland/Madigan Streets, where it’s dangerous/illegal for                        materials
cars to park when dropping off/collecting children.                                          provided

General Jobs

  1. De-cobweb windows/glass doors
  2. Sweep paths/rake up leaves
  3. General tidying up, e.g. bin lunch wrappers, put chairs into small groups of 3/5 to invite conversations (please do not stack chairs).

Working Bee Alert!

Are you free this Saturday morning and in need of a workout? Then come to the Working Bee!!!

22nd August 10am – Midday

There is going to 10m3 of mulch to move!!! So we need lots of man/woman power to make the school grounds beautiful. Please bring along wheelbarrows, mattocks and shovels or just an urge to kill some weeds!

Full Jobs List:

  1. Hooks installed in the back garden shed to hold tools – Sophia to provide drawing of where; plus the hooks.
  1. Rocks dug in to form borders around the garden beds in the front courtyard (outside Ironbark and Scribbly Bark).
  1. Mattock out clumps of weeds and lay weed matting and mulch under the Archway in the back garden.
  1. Dig out/remove the tree that is growing in front of the door to the back garden shed – Sophia will tie something around tree to show which one.
  1. Cobwebs removed from the outside of Artyology.
  1. Clean out the pond in the Zen Garden and leave empty. Options to replace the rusty wire on the garden gate that is the ‘covering’ for the pond? Mulch the garden bed to pond is in.
  1. Freshen up the painted red line on the top of the brick wall in the front garden – just the section already marked that’s adjacent to garden beds/hard surfaces if students fall.
  1. Paint a red line along the school kerb near the intersection of Maitland/Madigan Streets, where it’s dangerous/illegal for cars to park when dropping off/collecting children.
  1. Plant half a dozen trees in various spots around the garden – add planting compost to the soil + mulch.

General tasks –

  1. De-cobweb & wash windows/glass doors.
  2. Sweep paths/rake up leaves.
  3. General tidying up, e.g. bin lunch wrappers; put chairs into small groups of 3/5 to invite conversations (please do not stack chairs!)

It’s going 20 degrees so come on down Saturday morning and lets make our kids playground beautiful together!

Working Bee this Saturday

That’s right it’s Week 5 already which means its Working Bee time! Come along and help out this Saturday the 31st of May from 10am – Midday and help make our children’s school environment beautiful. Both Campuses are having their working bees and we need lots of work done as usual.  The jobs list/sign-up sheet is already available for your perusal on the sign-in table in both rooms at Pre-school. As for the Hackett campus Lis will have a list of jobs to be done and sign in sheet on the day. Don’t forget to sign in on Saturday so that the school knows your family has attended a working bee this semester.

It’s so important to show up for these working bees as Blue Gum needs our help in maintaining our children’s engaging school grounds. Blue Gum Community School doesn’t ask for much of our time only 2 hours per semester, so if you couldn’t make it in Term 1 make sure you attend this one. Working Bees can be a great work out and the kids can help out or just have a play. Also you can catch up with other parents or maybe even make some new friends. Lets take care of and improve our school grounds and our parent community. So come on down this Saturday we’d love to see you there!

Term 4 Working Bees

The last working bee for the year is almost here! This term they are being held at the end of week 4 on Saturday the 9th of November from 10am to 12 noon at both campuses. This is to allow Blue Gum families from both campuses to help out at the Bunnings’ Sausage Sizzle fundraiser happening in week 5.

A list of jobs, tools and equipment required will be available in next week’s bulletin for the Hackett campus. For the Dickson campus the jobs list/sign up sheet is already available for your perusal on the sign-in table in both rooms.

As always many hands make light work, we hope to see you there!